1. Open the Live Settings
2. Select your video/audio sources (audio can be disabled by choosing “None”).
2a. If you need to setup an IP Camera. Choose "Add source", and then "Connect URL". Set up your IP camera and identify the url address. If you need further assistance, please reach out to your IT administrator.
Once you press OK, you’re connected to the camera, but nothing is saved to disk yet.
3. To start recording, press Start in the canvas.
A dialog will prompt you to select the folder where the file will be saved (default: workspace-path/recordings/).
4. Available recording refreshes every 2 seconds. You can seek through the video, except in the darkened part of the timeline, where frames are being written to the file. To return to live footage, press the Live button or use playback controls.
5. To stop recording, press the Stop icon, confirm, and your capture is complete.