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Keyboard Shortcuts

Play2 Shortcuts

Play3 Shortcuts



For "cmd" shortcuts, use the Command key on Mac and the Ctrl key on Windows


cmd + N New Workspace
cmd + O Open Workspace
cmd + 1 DB Manager
cmd + 2 Video Manager (Inspector)
cmd + 3 Patterns Module (if game is selected)
cmd + 4 Codes Module (if game is selected)
cmd + 5 Expand/Collapse Annotations Module (if clip is selected)
cmd + 6 Expand/Collapse Playlist Module
cmd + 7 Expand/Collapse Visualizations Panel
cmd + 8 Expand/Collapse Overlay Module (on Presentation Mode)



Space bar Play/Pause
Left arrow 5 seconds backward
alt + left arrow 15 seconds backward
cmd + alt + left arrow 1 frame backward
Right arrow 5 seconds forward
alt + right arrow 15 seconds forward
cmd + alt + right arrow 1 frame forward
cmd + P Presentation Mode
Esc Exit from Presentation
J Rewind or decrease Fast forward
K Pause
L Fast forward or decrease rewind
cmd + J Decrease speed
cmd + L Increase speed
K + J Play reverse at 1/4x
K + L Play forward at 1/4x
alt + 1,2,3... Change to a different track (when available)
I Show/Hide Video Controls



cmd + down arrow Next clip
cmd + up arrow Previous clip
Space bar Replay clip if finished
Enter Go to next clip if finished
Right Shift + Enter Continue video after clip



cmd + left arrow Previous event
cmd + right arrow Next event
cmd + A Select all events on timeline
S Save event on selected playlist
R Start recording a clip from a Video Project (click any key to stop recording, Escape to cancel it)
cmd + delete key Delete selected events



1 3D Line / dotted (keep clicking to change between options)
2 Freehand / dotted (keep clicking to change between options)
3 Circle / filled (keep clicking to change between options)
4 Shape / filled (keep clicking to change between options)
5 Arrow / dotted (keep clicking to change between options)



cmd + Z Undo
cmd + backspace Delete all
cmd + Del Delete selected clips
U Player Hint



A Activate Measurer
Q Activate Player ID/Speed/Spotlight/Ring (keep clicking to change tools)
W Activate Magnifier
  Trace Line
D Future Trail
  Defensive Line Left Team on/off
T Middle Line Left Team on/off
Y Attackers Line Left Team on/off
alt + R Defensive Line Left Team distance
alt + T Middle Line Left Team distance
alt + Y Attackers Line Left Team distance
CMD + R Defensive Line Right Team on/off
CMD + T Middle Line Right Team on/off
CMD + Y Attackers Line Right Team on/off
CMD + alt + R Defensive Line Right Team distance
CMD + alt + T Middle Line Right Team distance
CMD + alt + Y Attackers Line Right Team distance
F Width Left Team
G Length Left Team
CMD + F Width Right Team
CMD + G Length Right Team



1 Add a Pause and a 3D Line
2 Add a Pause and a Freehand
3 Add a Pause and a Circle
4 Add a Pause and a Shape
5 Add a Pause and a Arrow
A Add Measurer
Q Add Player ID/Speed/Spotlight/Ring
W Add Magnifier
S Add Trace Line
D Add Future Trail
CMD + D Add Trace
E Add Text
CMD + E Add Image…
R Add Defensive Line Left Team
T Add Middle Line Left Team
Y Add Attackers Line Left Team
CMD + R Add Defensive Line Right Team on/off
CMD + T Add Middle Line Right Team on/off
CMD + Y Add Attackers Line Right Team on/off
F Add Length Left Team
G Add Width Left Team
CMD + F Add Length Right Team
CMD + G Add Width Right Team
CMD + '+' Zoom IN timeline
CMD + '-' Zoom OUT timeline
CMD + 0

Zoom OUT timeline to the max length of the video



ELEMENTS (shift key is used for elements on Visual Annotations and Sync Manager)*

shift + cmd + alt + arrow 1 frame (new)
shift + cmd + arrow 1 second
shift + arrow 5 seconds (before was used for the needle, but now is for elements)
shift + alt + arrow 15 seconds (before was 1 second)




DELETE - Backspace or DEL

COPY - Ctrl + C

PASTE - Ctrl + V


DUPLICATE - Alt + Drag and Drop (selected elements)

MULTIPLE SELECTION - Ctrl pressed + Elements selection







DEACTIVATE LAST BOX PRESSED - Esc (Record Mode and Modify Mode)


HORIZONTAL SCROLL - Shift + Mouse Wheel

ZOOM 100% - Ctrl + 0

ZOOM IN - Mouse Wheel / Ctrl + +

ZOOM OUT - Mouse Wheel / Ctrl + -

ZOOM TO FIT - Ctrl + 1




Windows Mac  
ctrl + N cmd + N New Workspace
ctrl + alt + N cmd + opt + N New Workspace in New Tab
ctrl + O cmd + O Open Workspace
ctrl + alt + O cmd + opt + O Open Workspace in New Tab
ctrl + W cmd + W Close Selected Module
ctrl + shift + W cmd + shift + W Reveal Workspace in Explorer
ctrl + F cmd + F Search tool on selected module (Organizer as general rule)



Windows Mac  
ctrl + Del cmd + Del Delete selected
ctrl + backspace cmd + backspace Delete selected
ctrl + X cmd + X Cut
ctrl + C cmd + C Copy
ctrl + V cmd + V Paste
ctrl + Z cmd + Z Undo
shift + ctrl + Z shift + cmd + Z Redo
ctrl + I cmd + I Import Video File as Clip
ctrl + S cmd + S New Slide
ctrl + / cmd + / New Container
ctrl + alt + T cmd + opt + T View/Show Hidden
ctrl + D cmd + D Duplicate
ctrl + alt + D cmd + opt + D Duplicate into a New Container
ctrl + A cmd + A Select All
shift + ctrl + A shift + cmd + A Deselct All
ctrl + P cmd + P Play in Presentation Mode
ctrl + M cmd + M Export as Video
ctrl + alt + M cmd + opt + M Export as Container
ctrl + alt + C cmd + opt + C Convert Video
ctrl + alt + L cmd + opt + L Link Video
ctrl + alt + S cmd + opt + S Show in Folder
ctrl + alt + I cmd + opt + I Import Container/Playlist
ctrl + 1 cmd + 1 Layouts
ctrl + 2 cmd + 2 Layouts
ctrl + 3 cmd + 3 Layouts
ctrl + 4 cmd + 4 Layouts
ctrl + 5 cmd + 5 Layouts
ctrl + 6 cmd + 6 Layouts
ctrl + 7 cmd + 7 Layouts
ctrl + 7 cmd + 7 Layouts
ctrl + 9 cmd + 9 Layouts



Windows Mac  
Space bar Space bar Play/Pause
Left arrow Left arrow 5 seconds backward
alt + left arrow opt + left arrow 15 seconds backward
ctrl + alt + left arrow cmd + opt + left arrow 1 frame backward
Right arrow Right arrow 5 seconds forward
alt + right arrow opt + right arrow 15 seconds forward
ctrl + alt + right arrow cmd + opt + right arrow 1 frame forward
Esc Esc Exit from Presentation Mode
J J Rewind or decrease Fast forward
K K Pause
L L Fast forward or decrease rewind
ctrl + J cmd + J Decrease speed
ctrl + L cmd + L Increase speed
K + J K + J Play reverse at 1/4x
K + L K + L Play forward at 1/4x
M M Mute/Unmute Audio
U U Player Tracking Hint
I I Field Tracking Hint
+ + Zoom In
- - Zoom Out
ctrl + 0 cmd + 0 Zoom 100%
shift + 1 shift + 1 Zoom to fit
shift + 2 shift + 2 Zoom to selection
ctrl + down arrow cmd + down arrow Next clip
ctrl + up arrow cmd + up arrow Previous clip
Space bar Space bar Replay clip if finished
Enter Enter Go to next clip if finished
Right Shift + Enter Right Shift + Enter Continue video after clip



Windows Mac  
P P Add Pause
ctrl + R cmd + R Rename
ctrl + G cmd + G Group
shift + ctrl + G shift + cmd + G Ungroup
ctrl + L cmd + L Link
shift + ctrl + L shift + cmd + L Unlink
shift + up arrow shift + up arrow Expand
shift + down arrow shift + down arrow Collapse
shift + ctrl + S shift + cmd + S Save as Preset
shift + I shift + I Trim In Clip Element
shift + O shift + O Trim Out Clip Element
shift + ctrl + I shift + cmd + I Snap on In Time
shift + ctrl + O shift + cmd + O Snap on Out Time
+ + Zoom In
- - Zoom Out
ctrl + 1 cmd + 1 Zoom to fit (max length of the video)
ctrl + 2 cmd + 2 Zoom to selection
ctrl + K cmd + K Go to Chroma Key Settings
R R Record Event
S S Save Event
shift + ctrl + S shift + cmd + S Save Event to selected Container
shift + ctrl + alt + S shift + cmd + opt + S Save Event Settings
alt + F opt + F Manual Field Tracking
shift + ctrl + F shift + cmd + F Improve Field Tracking
shift + F shift + F Automatic Field Tracking
shift + P shift + P Start/Stop Player Tracking Process



Windows Mac  
shift + ctrl + alt + arrow shift + cmd + opt + arrow 1 frame
shift + ctrl + arrow shift + cmd + arrow 1 second
shift + arrow shift + arrow 5 seconds
shift + alt + arrow shift + alt + arrow 15 seconds



Windows Mac  
V V Add Visualization to Timeline
shift + ctrl + N shift + cmd + N New Preset Folder
shift + ctrl + I shift + cmd + I Import Preset Folder
shift + ctrl + E shift + cmd + E Export Preset Folder
F F Add/Remove from Favorites



Windows Mac  
ctrl + down arrow cmd + down arrow Next event
ctrl + up arrow cmd + up arrow Previous event
ctrl + R cmd + R Rename
shift + I shift + I Trim In Event Element
shift + O shift + O Trim Out Event Element
shift + ctrl + I shift + cmd + I Snap on In Time
shift + ctrl + O shift + cmd + O Snap on Out Time
+ + Zoom In
- - Zoom Out
shift + 1 shift + 1 Zoom to fit (max length of the video)
ctrl + 2 cmd + 2 Zoom to Selection
R R Record Clip
S S Save Clip
shift + ctrl + S shift + cmd + S Save Clip to Selected Folder
shift + ctrl + alt + S shift + cmd + opt + S Save Clip Settings
shift + C shift + C Save as Clip(s)
shift + alt + C shift + opt + C Save as Clip(s) to Selected Folder
none none Save as Clip(s) to New Folder



Where Windows Mac  
Code header ctrl + click cmd + click Select all code events
Code header ctrl + shift + click cmd + shift + click Add/Remove all code events from selection
Event item shift + click shift + click Add/Remove event from selection
Event item ctrl + click cmd + click Simulate double click and set event as being played
Select Context-Menu shift + click shift + click Add/Remove events with that code/tag/import from selection


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