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VIDEO MANAGER | Import XML files into a Video Project

Import XML files to see the specific events tagged in this game. Click the three-dot icon and choose Add XML. Browse and bring in this player events file, and now the XML is listed as Codes as part of the video project. The codes in this file are connected to both the video and the timeline. 

Clicking on this file displays a list of all codes in the file. XML files can be structured in different ways, and in this one, each code represents a player. 

Add more XML files if needed. Go back to the video project , choose "Add XML" again, and bring in other event file. 

Each event has one or more tags, and in the event’s Info Box I can add a description.

Just below the timeline is the Filter field, which can be used to show only specific tags.

Saving events from Video Projects as clips

Can I select multiple events at the same time on the timeline?

I can Shift-select a continuous set of events and add them all to the playlist, or I can use Ctrl or Cmd to select individual events to add.


Mark events in the timeline


Learn how to synchronize an XML with your video

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