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CODE TABLE | Add a new Coding File to code/tag post-game

Play integrates the function to be able to code the different events that take place in a game or training.

Here is a quick video overview:

  • Coding Mode (Post-game)

1. Go to the Video Project you want to code events and click on 'Create a Coding File'. Type a name for the Coding File, and hit enter.


2. Is now time to add the codes that you want to include with all their specifications such as color, shortcut, name, etc. To start, click on 'Add new Codes' to access the Code Manager of this Coding File:


3. Start adding codes by clicking on the 'Add a new Code' icon. Set their Color, Shortcut and Name. You can then choose to SAVE or RECORD event for each specific Code. If you add a Lead and Lag Time on a Code, events will be saved. If you don't add this information, events will be recorded. Close Code Manager when you're done:


Once you create a Code, it will then be available at the bottom of the Code Manager as 'Archived Codes...'. You can send all of them to the Coding File, or select specific archived codes to be added con the current Coding File

4. Turn Coding Mode on, to be able to use the shortcuts you defined previously. You can now play the video and start adding events within the Coding File for a Video Project:


5. You can now turn Coding Mode off, and review all the events. You can select some or all of them to save them into a playlist, or mark them. You can find all these functions in the timeline module:




Select the event that you want to modify and click on the 'Edit event time'. Click to confirm when you're done.




When one or more events are selected, go to 'more options' icon in the timeline and click on 'Delete selected events'. You can also use CTRL + Delete key (CMD for Mac users)


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