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How to add Custom Surfaces

Create a JSON file with the following params:

  "fps": float, // Greater than 0.
  "width": integer, // # columns, max. 30.
  "height": integer, // # rows, max. 30.
  "low": float, // Min. value range.
  "high": float, // Max. value range, low < high.
"nFrames": integer, // Number of frames. "frames": [ [f1_x1_y1, f1_x2_y1, ..., f1_x1_y2, f1_x2_y2, ... f1_xw_yh], [f2_x1_y1, f2_x2_y1, ..., f2_x1_y2, f2_x2_y2, ... f2_xw_yh], ..., [fn_x1_y1, fn_x2_y1, ..., fn_x1_y2, fn_x2_y2, ... fn_xw_yh] ] }


Here you have a brief explanation about these params:


FPS: Frame rate of the video or data where you extracted information to create this surface. This value must be greater than 0.

Width: Number of columns of the surface. Columns are related to the length of the field, i.e. around 105 metres in football. This value must be greater than 0 and less or equal than 30.

Height: Number of rows of the surface. Rows are related to the width of the field, i.e. around 68 metres in football. This value must be greater than 0 and less or equal than 30.

Low: Lowest value the surface could have in a cell.


nFrames: Number of frames that contains the array "frames".

High: Highest value the surface could reach in a cell. This value must be greater than the low one.

Frames: Array where each frame is another array in row-major order that describes the surface values. First element of each frame array (first row and column) points to the top-left corner of the field. Length of each frame array must be equal to the multiplication of values width and height.



  "fps": 25.0,
  "width": 2,
  "height": 2,
  "low": 0.0,
  "high": 1.0,
"nFrames": 1, "frames": [ [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9] ] }


Once you've created the .json file, go to cloud.metrica-sports.com


You can then click on the 'more options' icon from a Video Project.

Then click on the Import icon next to Surfaces row to upload the json file:



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